Kerikeri Massage Therapy
Working with the body's muscular system, massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues, skin, ligaments and tendons. With a hands-on approach the muscles and connective tissues are warmed, stretched and relaxed through hand, finger, arm and elbow techniques along with specific devices to stimulate the muscles and pressure points. Depending on the body's requirements soft to firm pressure is applied to the muscles and joints to ease pain and tension, or prep the body for activity.
Types of Massage Techniques Used
Swedish Remedial Massage:
A remedial massage is a hands-on form of manual therapy that incorporates techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stretching, and corrective exercises for the assessment and treatment of a number of injuries and musculoskeletal dysfunctions.
Easing and stabilizing the muscles can improve problems such as headaches, abdominal pain, low back pain and sciatic pain. Some health problems that are often treated with remedial massage include sporting and dance injuries, muscle cramps, whiplash, muscular atrophy, fibrositis, spondylitis, arthritis and frozen shoulder.
Deep Tissue Massage:
Deep tissue massage is a massage technique that is mainly used to treat muscular-skeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to a target area where the layers of your muscles and connective tissue is impacted.
Sports Massage:
Sports Massage is manual manipulation of the muscles geared specifically toward helping people who have physically demanding lifestyles and/or hobbies. This kind of therapeutic massage considers the impact of certain activities on specific joints, muscle groups, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue groups. Sports Massage is great for athletes prepping for an event or for fast recovery. Great for the likes of body builders, martial arts and all sports and activities where muscle fitness is a requirement.
Meridian Massage:
Meridian Massage is a treatment that realigns your Qi (pronounced “chi”) through stimulating various meridians in your body. Meridians are channels through which your life energy flows. They are located on specific parts of your body and, when blocked, can cause an array of health issues because your energy isn’t flowing properly. With a similar approach to acupressure, Meridian Massage uses trigger points to stimulate energy flow through the body and is performed with finger and hand techniques.
What causes sore achy, stiff muscles?
Muscle stiffness, pain and tension can be a result of many factors. You may have sustained an impact injury causing a "Flinchlock" to your skeletal system. Flinchlocked bones can place pressure onto soft tissues. ligaments and tendons as your body's biomechanics adjusts to take on the new working pressure. ConTact CARE can aid by locating and unraveling the flinchlocked bones allowing your body to realign. A follow up with massage therapy can aid recovery by speeding the lengthening process the muscles go through as they unravel. Enquire today to see what treatments will best suit your requirements.